
Taco Bell

So my nephew girlfriend was an assistant general mgr whatever that is. It sounds important 19.06/hr supposedly. She is 21 and very energetic outgoing awesome people person 2 yrs ago was 19 when she got the job. Wow just saw her now again on a trip for a graduation. They have destroyed this person burnt her out to the end. So much for the money traveling supposedly the GM says they dont have to pay her between stores thats a lie i had to help her with. Everything he did to her and his asst is a lawsuit. All hours of the day on call for an hourly job he wouldn’t authorize hours. 40 hrs paid unless she was actually running a register for short staff and or kitchen lol. I spoke with the man for 15 minutes until he realized i was contacting YUM corporate with a request for…

So my nephew girlfriend was an assistant general mgr whatever that is. It sounds important 19.06/hr supposedly. She is 21 and very energetic outgoing awesome people person 2 yrs ago was 19 when she got the job. Wow just saw her now again on a trip for a graduation. They have destroyed this person burnt her out to the end. So much for the money traveling supposedly the GM says they dont have to pay her between stores thats a lie i had to help her with. Everything he did to her and his asst is a lawsuit. All hours of the day on call for an hourly job he wouldn’t authorize hours. 40 hrs paid unless she was actually running a register for short staff and or kitchen lol. I spoke with the man for 15 minutes until he realized i was contacting YUM corporate with a request for 2000hrs of back pay and overtime which she is owed. Why did and do destroy these workers no wonder unionization is up and worker walkouts along with postings all over social media. I will post more on the stories she went through when i can process it all. Just seeing her face blew me away 21 yrs old beautiful person taken advantage of.. GM guy 26yrs old wtf. Well I took care of it for now. She got a decent job now to get her money. Send me advice on taco bell contacts and similar OT theft

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