
Taco bell is shit when dealing with workers bully others

I'm a (19f) in college and I use to work part time at a popular fast food chain known for tacos and burritos. Recently , I quit my job after dealing with harassment and bullying from a few coworkers ,( 17m , 18f , and 24m ) . I've told them off and complained to management . But I was told they were just joking . Some of these jokes include insults about my appearance , my former jobs and my work ethic . It got to the point where I hated going to work . Last Saturday I called in sick as I didn't want to deal with them. Yesterday I called my GM and quit explaining that they never shit about the harassment and bullying . My boyfriend and roommates fully support my decision as they have had to hear me complain about that place . My mother…

I'm a (19f) in college and I use to work part time at a popular fast food chain known for tacos and burritos.

Recently , I quit my job after dealing with harassment and bullying from a few coworkers ,( 17m , 18f , and 24m ) . I've told them off and complained to management .

But I was told they were just joking . Some of these jokes include insults about my appearance , my former jobs and my work ethic .

It got to the point where I hated going to work . Last Saturday I called in sick as I didn't want to deal with them.

Yesterday I called my GM and quit explaining that they never shit about the harassment and bullying .

My boyfriend and roommates fully support my decision as they have had to hear me complain about that place .

My mother on the other hand isn't happy I quit . Saying I should've asked for a transfer to another location but the closest one is almost 30 minutes away and I can't afford that with gas and all my other expenses.

I told my mother that I was an adult and lived in my own place .

I decided I wasn't going to put with it anymore. 13 an hour isn't worth getting harassed over.

But I'm also happy to report that I found a job that pays me what I'm worth and treats me like an actual person and not a machine

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