
Taking a promoted or leave..a rant

Hi so this may just be a rant .. I’m feeling stuck between a few thoughts. I was hired over a year ago at the company I am currently at, I wanted to leave within the first 3 months of working here. Basically, I was the only FT employee within my department and within the last 9 months I kid you not I have had 4 different supervisors and when we finally hired two others they slowly quit (it’s been a chaotic year). You may ask, why have I stayed? Well, I was fresh out of college and I’ve always had temporary jobs so my resume was filled with similar jobs that only lasted 3-9 months at a time. I felt I needed something “real” on my resume and I kept pushing to stay for at least a year. Fast forward to now, I got really good at my job…

Hi so this may just be a rant .. I’m feeling stuck between a few thoughts. I was hired over a year ago at the company I am currently at, I wanted to leave within the first 3 months of working here. Basically, I was the only FT employee within my department and within the last 9 months I kid you not I have had 4 different supervisors and when we finally hired two others they slowly quit (it’s been a chaotic year).

You may ask, why have I stayed? Well, I was fresh out of college and I’ve always had temporary jobs so my resume was filled with similar jobs that only lasted 3-9 months at a time. I felt I needed something “real” on my resume and I kept pushing to stay for at least a year.

Fast forward to now, I got really good at my job & vocalizing my needs. I managed to get 2 salary increases before my annual. I was expecting an annual review back in august for an actual raise, though it kept getting pushed back. I finally had a meeting regarding my review two weeks ago- though it has not been finalized / sent to HR yet. During my meeting I was told they wanted to promote me to manager position (like a 20-25% salary increase).

My issue is even tho it’s a bit of a pay increase I feel for the amount of work/stress and comparing the rate for this position it’s rather a low base salary, like I wouldn’t want to take it unless it’s at least 5k more.
I am kinda resentful of this job rn, I love my coworkers and the company itself it’s just I feel like when I started I was already under paid and now that they have been neglecting my annual review I feel like the annual raise everyone else gets is now somehow not going to be given to me.

I’m debating quitting and make a super low income but do what I love or stay & get the promotion and struggle mentally for a few months.. I could also turn down the promotion and push for my annual raise instead but I know I wouldn’t stay long and I am not sure if I’m even getting a annual raise. All this & Parts of me feels like I just want to quit rn but I’ve got to get bills paid.
It’s an unending cycle.

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