
Taking the Greed out being a Business Owner

First and foremost, I fully understand that the title is a bit of an oxymoron. As in to be a financially successful individual you have to have some level of greed. And those who are really successful are enveloped by said greed. But hear me for just a moment, and frankly I may be completely off the mark. I don’t consider a greedy person, I’ve never cared about being a rich man, owning the nicest car or the nicest house or the nicest crap to make my miserable life slighter nicer. But as a long time lurker, I’m filled with dread and the need to do something. Anything at this point. Everywhere I look, I see nation burying its own grave all while filling its pockets with profit derived from the trillions of dollars of debt and whatever the poor are able to scrape for themselves. Taking a stand against…

First and foremost, I fully understand that the title is a bit of an oxymoron. As in to be a financially successful individual you have to have some level of greed. And those who are really successful are enveloped by said greed. But hear me for just a moment, and frankly I may be completely off the mark. I don’t consider a greedy person, I’ve never cared about being a rich man, owning the nicest car or the nicest house or the nicest crap to make my miserable life slighter nicer. But as a long time lurker, I’m filled with dread and the need to do something. Anything at this point. Everywhere I look, I see nation burying its own grave all while filling its pockets with profit derived from the trillions of dollars of debt and whatever the poor are able to scrape for themselves. Taking a stand against the major corporations and government’s economically is difficult, and I see people fighting back in their own ways. It’s admirable and inspiring. I salute you all truly.

Being a small business owner can stand for something. It can mean stand for the locals, supported by a community and not reliant on the need to grow and grow at rate that is not realistically beneficial for everyone because in order for one person rich, many have to be poor. What more and more small businesses owners take that collective stand? Show that greed doesn’t always win, that it can be harnessed for something greater for everyone.

I’ve dreamed about this, being able to successfully run a business that places both profit and employment sustainability and ethical transparency in all business proceedings. If I’m the owner, I don’t have to make a huge amount of money. At this point I just want my own small apartment and I’ll be happy with that knowing my employees with families and loved ones can thrive in their own.

I’m tired of it all, and I want to for something in my life. If not me, then my fellow men and women.

Thank you all for your time and reading this.

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