
Taking the leap is terrifying

TLDR; I quit strange brain trying to express my fear on upcoming events I've known since I was 10 that I would have trouble in America. At the time I played baseball and it was noticed by a relative that I ran weird, whatever that meant. So it was mentioned at my next yearly physical which was due, and x rays were ordered. Not even a week later I was told I had to stop playing baseball which I had been “training” for like 2 weeks for and to add to it I had a tumor the size of a grown man's fins in my hip! So after all that, the years it took for treatment ans recovery I went to my first full year of school 4 years later, and the same summer still unable to walk without assistance I got a job in a summer program. Ever since…

TLDR; I quit strange brain trying to express my fear on upcoming events

I've known since I was 10 that I would have trouble in America. At the time I played baseball and it was noticed by a relative that I ran weird, whatever that meant. So it was mentioned at my next yearly physical which was due, and x rays were ordered. Not even a week later I was told I had to stop playing baseball which I had been “training” for like 2 weeks for and to add to it I had a tumor the size of a grown man's fins in my hip!

So after all that, the years it took for treatment ans recovery I went to my first full year of school 4 years later, and the same summer still unable to walk without assistance I got a job in a summer program. Ever since then I've worked in every way I can.

I'm alone now, in a city away from family, and I just quit my job…because I couldn't take it another day. The things I went through constantly day in and out not wanting to wake up thinking the unthinkable, pushing my body to walk there everyday revenge though all the construction in my area makes that walk a little unbearable on me still, from this tumor that was 11 years ago now.

And I'm scared because it's cold, I don't know what I will do next for work but I am trying my ass off. I'm going to make it no matter what because sharing this is helping me remember everything that's led up until now, the odds have been in my favor so far, despite all odds, I guess?

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