
Talking about pay. I think it should be the norm.

So, at my job, I was hired as an entry level worker because, although I have plenty of GREAT work experience, I've never held the exact title of my position. I needed a remote job so I took it. I've been with this company for about 8 months and they have pushed me to learn a lot more than the people who started a week or two behind me. To note: they were highly understaffed when I hired on so they hired a lot of people at the same time. I learned quickly and their other employees were overwhelmed so they pushed me through FAST. I had to send an email to one of the girls who started after me (by a week or two) and realized she was hired on as a higher level worker (which means she makes more than me). She doesn't do even half the things…

So, at my job, I was hired as an entry level worker because, although I have plenty of GREAT work experience, I've never held the exact title of my position. I needed a remote job so I took it.

I've been with this company for about 8 months and they have pushed me to learn a lot more than the people who started a week or two behind me. To note: they were highly understaffed when I hired on so they hired a lot of people at the same time. I learned quickly and their other employees were overwhelmed so they pushed me through FAST.

I had to send an email to one of the girls who started after me (by a week or two) and realized she was hired on as a higher level worker (which means she makes more than me). She doesn't do even half the things I do right now.

I brought it to my boss and was like “I know (girls name) makes more than me, why? She's not doing as much as I am.” They have been coddling her and the others and her training has been super slow. Whereas, with me, I am doing as much or more than a person that was hired 6 months before me. They even have me doing “special projects.”

I got the bs “experience….blah, blah, blah.” She tried to tell me that (girls name) has it worse because she is already at the higher level so she won't get a raise for awhile. But, 1) the question is, if she has the experience, why isn't she doing the work? 2) I would rather get the full raise NOW.

I was telling this to a friend, who is a high-up manager at a different company. She was concerned about “how do you know? Can you see it?” I told her about the email situation and she then made the comment “that's why I told my employees you shouldn't talk about pay because someone's feelings will get hurt.”

That raised the hair on the back of my neck and I jumped in with “this is EXACTLY why people should be talking about pay. This is what companies want. They want you to be afraid of talking about pay so they can overpay some and underpay others.” I even brought up how she would feel if she found out someone that hadn't worked at her company for as long or for whatever reason but they are making $10,000 a year more than you? I am hoping my passion filled pleas opened her eyes but I am not sure.

For the record, I talked to one of my other co-workers who HAS experience and was hired entry-level like me and she will be asking for a raise.

What are your thoughts on discussing pay?

Managers not wanting to discuss pay is NOT protecting employees feelings or themselves. It is directly protecting the company and their ability to line their pockets. If we were all paid what we deserved, the companies profits would be cut by however much.

P.S. Please don't attack my friend. She's a wonderful person and a caring boss. The mentality that we have been raised with is the problem. I am doing my part trying to educate.

P.S.S. If anyone knows of any high-paying remote jobs, let me know. I am a hard worker.

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