
Tased for trying to break up a fight in a mcdonalds bathroom

Longtime lurker here: Hi everyone, longtime lurker here. I've been lurking for a long time, but haven't posted yet. That changes today. For the past 11 months, I've been working at a local mcdonalds (wish it could be unionized, but that's a whole nother story). Unfortunately, during the last 3 months of my employment, a series of events has led to the rapid deterioration of both my mental and physical health. In early march, a fight broke out in the bathroom and my manager forced me to intervene, and I ended up getting a black eye from the shuffle, and once the police arrived, I was inadvertently tased because I was holding back one of the customers when he was tased. I have had an unrelated heart condition since I was younger, and the stress of the event combined with the tasing has led to my condition worsening rapidly. I…

Longtime lurker here: Hi everyone, longtime lurker here. I've been lurking for a long time, but haven't posted yet. That changes today. For the past 11 months, I've been working at a local mcdonalds (wish it could be unionized, but that's a whole nother story). Unfortunately, during the last 3 months of my employment, a series of events has led to the rapid deterioration of both my mental and physical health. In early march, a fight broke out in the bathroom and my manager forced me to intervene, and I ended up getting a black eye from the shuffle, and once the police arrived, I was inadvertently tased because I was holding back one of the customers when he was tased. I have had an unrelated heart condition since I was younger, and the stress of the event combined with the tasing has led to my condition worsening rapidly. I have had to go to the hospital twice, with the last time being in an ambulance. Of course, I've been struggling with paying the bills as it is, and the added medical bills have made it nearly impossible to survive. The stress of the whole situation is really affecting my mental health as well, I'm constantly anxious now and afraid of any police officers I see.

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