
Tbh I think that part time is a scam.

I think that part time is a scam the fact that they can give a full grown adult only 20 to 15 hours a week just so they don’t have to pay benefits it’s kind of insane. And also jobs that only give you 30 hours a week literally pay you enough to barely live but then only give you enough hours so you can’t go get a second job. I strictly think everyone should hire full-time and if you choose to go part time you may but only offering part time position is a scam

I think that part time is a scam the fact that they can give a full grown adult only 20 to 15 hours a week just so they don’t have to pay benefits it’s kind of insane. And also jobs that only give you 30 hours a week literally pay you enough to barely live but then only give you enough hours so you can’t go get a second job.

I strictly think everyone should hire full-time and if you choose to go part time you may but only offering part time position is a scam

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