
Team lead can’t accept criticism and is being a dick rn

So I started working at my current company on March (I'm an engineer). There's a lot to learn before one can be “useful” for the team. According to them, their ramp up process lasts about A YEAR. After a couple of months of training, I started delivering some good work. About a week ago, I had a call with my manager, I thought I was doing poorly, but he said “having people like you in the team is amazing, we've never had somebody who started contributing as soon as you, keep it up!”. He also asked whether I was getting enough help from other team members. My team is kinda small, we're only 10 individuals and only 3 of us (me, the team lead and another guy) are focused on a certain part of our product. I told him that everybody was willing to help, but that the team lead…

So I started working at my current company on March (I'm an engineer). There's a lot to learn before one can be “useful” for the team. According to them, their ramp up process lasts about A YEAR. After a couple of months of training, I started delivering some good work. About a week ago, I had a call with my manager, I thought I was doing poorly, but he said “having people like you in the team is amazing, we've never had somebody who started contributing as soon as you, keep it up!”. He also asked whether I was getting enough help from other team members. My team is kinda small, we're only 10 individuals and only 3 of us (me, the team lead and another guy) are focused on a certain part of our product. I told him that everybody was willing to help, but that the team lead (the one responsible for my training) took ages to answer my questions, or that he wouldn't answer them at all and just misdirected me by giving very vague advice.
It seems like my manager talked about it with my team lead and he's been a dick ever since: he sets daily follow up meetings, asks me to stay after meetings with other team members, demands constant updates (even after my shift is over), and today he just got mad because I took a day off yesterday (I wanted to have a long weekend to prepare everything for my father's death anniversary mass). During our daily follow up meeting, he insinuated that I was after his job, and I put all the pieces together at that moment.
I'm not sure as to what should I do, it feels like talking to my manager would just make it worse, and my team lead is clearly not a reasonable person, so, I might just start looking for another job.
End of rant.

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