
Team lead leaves due to burnout, team member follows

Software developer and team leader had worked 12-16 hour days for months, always being told “just one more critical feature”. That was after she took over for the previous lead who left. And the best member of her team is also leaving because he doesn't want to made the lead. Management says they have “long-term plans” to address the issue, but we haven't hired a new dev in months and keep making new feature promises to customers. Company switched to unlimited PTO a couple years back to screw us out of payout for unused PTO. She put in six weeks notice then immediately went on vacation just to fuck with 'em. They'll have to fire her to avoid paying the time off. Wrote this just to shout it into the void but damn I do feel a little better.

Software developer and team leader had worked 12-16 hour days for months, always being told “just one more critical feature”. That was after she took over for the previous lead who left. And the best member of her team is also leaving because he doesn't want to made the lead. Management says they have “long-term plans” to address the issue, but we haven't hired a new dev in months and keep making new feature promises to customers.

Company switched to unlimited PTO a couple years back to screw us out of payout for unused PTO. She put in six weeks notice then immediately went on vacation just to fuck with 'em. They'll have to fire her to avoid paying the time off.

Wrote this just to shout it into the void but damn I do feel a little better.

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