
Tech Companies are absolutely clueless about IT or Computer Science.

Hi! I'm Ben, I'm a Software Engineer. For the last couple years I've been having Software Developer jobs in a bunch of companies, and it is INFURIATING how managers, HR and even your own bosses have absolutely no clue about how Software Development works. This is no surprise, usually in Tech Companies, your boss will either be a Comercial/Economics dude or some sort of 'enlightened' entrepeneur. I'm telling you right now, these guys don't know anything about Software Development, not a thing. If you've been paying attention to the latest news about Twitter and Elon Musk you'll notice he fired his top IT guys and gals “they weren't fixing the android app fast enough”, this is the case with so many other companies as well on these last months. I'm telling you, guys like Elon Musk DO NOT know more than a web developer, if he actually did, he wouldn't…

Hi! I'm Ben, I'm a Software Engineer.

For the last couple years I've been having Software Developer jobs in a bunch of companies, and it is INFURIATING how managers, HR and even your own bosses have absolutely no clue about how Software Development works. This is no surprise, usually in Tech Companies, your boss will either be a Comercial/Economics dude or some sort of 'enlightened' entrepeneur.
I'm telling you right now, these guys don't know anything about Software Development, not a thing.

If you've been paying attention to the latest news about Twitter and Elon Musk you'll notice he fired his top IT guys and gals “they weren't fixing the android app fast enough”, this is the case with so many other companies as well on these last months. I'm telling you, guys like Elon Musk DO NOT know more than a web developer, if he actually did, he wouldn't have fired Frohnhöefer.

Software Engineers have to very carefully plan out projects with thousands of date estimates, meetings, reports, models and plans because software projects are extremely volatile, small stuff like bad UI design, bad code efficiency, equipment malfunction, losing too much time on meetings, an engineer being burnt out, all render to bad software quality and bloated services filled with bugs, crashes and no support, including eventually NOT being able to deliver the changes and features that clients ask for, which is exactly why Scrum and Agile Methodologies were invented, traditional project management for Software projects DOESN'T WORK.

The thing is, Tech Companies for some reason measure Software Devs performance with very simple and dumb metrics, one of those is the quantity of Lines of Code. They think that whoever writes the most code is the most productive, so even if you are a developer that knows better, and you can think of better solutions with less code in more elegant, shorter ways, which is the right thing to do from a Dev perspective, it doesn't matter to them. This is exactly the reason why paid software ends up being incredibly bloated and slow, and why people are starting to prefer open-source much more now.

Software Engineers have no choice but to play the corporate game and write lots of lines of code of bloated nonsense just to get paid, eventually decreasing the software quality overall and the worst part is I can't blame them.

This is dumb, it's bad for software in general, it's a horrible practice, it encourages Software Engineers to write bad, bloated code, instead of writing great, clean, efficient code, and in the IT world this makes a HUGE difference to your product quality.

Have a great day people.

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