
Teenagers shouldn’t have to work out asses of just to be able to afford college

So some pretext for this I’m just gonna say a couple things. A. I am a Pansexual Male, teenager, and have been working @ a certain fast food establishment known for their persistence to Christian values and well, homophobia. B. I’m working here for college money, and it’s the only establishment my parents would let me work. (They’re a lost cause and think cause they made 5 dollars waiting in 80s I should be happy with 12 and will throw me out once I come out) C. I live in blue state; but a very red area of that state. I work during the school year as well. Anyway let’s get into the meat and potatoes. I’m fucking tired of this shit. I work 45 hours a week for minimum wage even though I’ve been promised 2 raises and never given them. I’m a certified trainer and train literal Republican…

So some pretext for this I’m just gonna say a couple things.

A. I am a Pansexual Male, teenager, and have been working @ a certain fast food establishment known for their persistence to Christian values and well, homophobia.

B. I’m working here for college money, and it’s the only establishment my parents would let me work. (They’re a lost cause and think cause they made 5 dollars waiting in 80s I should be happy with 12 and will throw me out once I come out)

C. I live in blue state; but a very red area of that state. I work during the school year as well.

Anyway let’s get into the meat and potatoes. I’m fucking tired of this shit. I work 45 hours a week for minimum wage even though I’ve been promised 2 raises and never given them. I’m a certified trainer and train literal Republican Ben Shapiro watching fucks who just have daddy’s money to pay for college and are “buying” New gaming PCs or Corvettes when in reality their parents will and they’ll just pitch in some.

One time even I got go on break and then while I ate my salad for dinner literally a customer came up and told me I can’t eat cause it’s “unprofessional”. And instead of doing something my manager made me eat in my car for my break??? WTF? Like do we not have any rights to not stand up for ourselves against customers.

And customers don’t treat us with respect either. Now not all our bad but some are just horrible. I’m sorry if you’re hotboxxing your car and want 75$ worth of food. Don’t call me a “Rat faced bitch” when I won’t put your name down as “Daddy’s Dong”. AND PLEASE DONT FLIRT WITH ME PLEASE. I have to treat you with respect and I will. But please don’t try to come out of your car and give my white ass a hug. I’m 16 m’am I don’t wanna be your baby Daddy.

Finally today I took orders in 100 degree heat for 9 hours only to find out. “Our clock in machine broke and we can’t change manually that your worked 9 hours. Want a free cookie tho?” LEGITIMATELY I HAVE BEEN CALLED FRUITY, AND A SODOMITE by customers for how I talk, but y’all CAN’T EVEN PAY ME.

It’s already so draining to work for an institution that hates me as a “queer deviant” (I have been called that @ school before) I work for an institution that actively hates women’s reproductive rights too. This job is sucking my life and creativity from me and I don’t even enjoy things like writing or video games anymore. I also can’t see my therapist anymore or sleep without nightmare. I wanna quit so bad. But I don’t have the will to fight back anymore. But capitalism will make go through this to get away from my past for freedom. What an amazing system!!!

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