
Tell me if this sounds weird to you

So I work at a factory of sorts in shipping (nobody can go in without a keycard), and it gets hot in there, so i decide to wear my hoodie on my waist, exposing my “non-brand” shirt. Management requires that we wear their brand monday-thursday, fridays it's fair game, wear whatever you want kinda thing. I don't abide by this rule, and the only way i got off scot-free so far was to wear a hoodie (also non-brand, but they don't pay much attention to that). Before my shift ended, I was approached by one of the supervisors who asked me if I had a brand shirt to wear. I told her I had some at home, and she asked why I don't wear them. I responded with “Well we work in a factory where nobody else is allowed in, so I don't see the point.” She kinda cut me…

So I work at a factory of sorts in shipping (nobody can go in without a keycard), and it gets hot in there, so i decide to wear my hoodie on my waist, exposing my “non-brand” shirt. Management requires that we wear their brand monday-thursday, fridays it's fair game, wear whatever you want kinda thing.

I don't abide by this rule, and the only way i got off scot-free so far was to wear a hoodie (also non-brand, but they don't pay much attention to that). Before my shift ended, I was approached by one of the supervisors who asked me if I had a brand shirt to wear.

I told her I had some at home, and she asked why I don't wear them. I responded with “Well we work in a factory where nobody else is allowed in, so I don't see the point.” She kinda cut me off and said “If you have concerns, take it up with (manager's name) and walked away.”

I don't know why they're enforcing that dumbass policy, but I hate it and refuse to abide it. It doesn't make any sense why they'd implement that at all.

TL;DR: i wear non-brand shirts to a FACTORY where nobody can get in without a keycard, and they confronted me about it.

Does this sound a little strange to anyone? I'd love your thoughts.

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