
Telling boss/manager like it is.

So.. Ive never been like this but lately I’ve been really letting the boss and manager have it. Normally I keep my mouth shut and just do my job but they’ve really been fucking with me lately making false assumptions and allegations against me. Now I’m not saying it’s okay to start calling them names and acting belligerent which I’m not but I’ve been calling them out on their bullshit. Zero fucks given. It’s all just facts. I can’t hold my tongue anymore to their abuse. They are driving me INSANE! I’m leaving a lot of specifics out due to privacy but.. trust me it’s as bad as it gets like Horrible Bosses shit. should I just chill or keep telling them how it really is? I’m pissed the fuck off and don’t care to hide it anymore.

So.. Ive never been like this but lately I’ve been really letting the boss and manager have it. Normally I keep my mouth shut and just do my job but they’ve really been fucking with me lately making false assumptions and allegations against me.

Now I’m not saying it’s okay to start calling them names and acting belligerent which I’m not but I’ve been calling them out on their bullshit. Zero fucks given. It’s all just facts. I can’t hold my tongue anymore to their abuse. They are driving me INSANE!

I’m leaving a lot of specifics out due to privacy but.. trust me it’s as bad as it gets like Horrible Bosses shit.

should I just chill or keep telling them how it really is? I’m pissed the fuck off and don’t care to hide it anymore.

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