
Telling someone to take a job they’re passionate about doesn’t solve the root problem.

After thinking about this, talking with my therapist about the work-slavery situation, with friends, and reading about work as-we-know-it-today abolition, I've come to the conclusion that finding a job you love or are passionate about is a patch made of priviledge that doesn't solve the root problem. Yes, finding something to do that you genuinely enjoy and are passionate about (say software, psychology, teaching, arts, crafts, coaching, etcetera) is *really great*. But those positions can only exist when the rest of the society is working at the harder to bear jobs: construction workers, delivery workers, cleaning workers, maintenance, store workers. The whole software industry, for example, would crack down without the people manufacturing hardware, the people taking care of the electric lines, the people selling the computers, the people cleaning their offices. This is a situation that we have to turn to better *for everyone*, and as a software developer…

After thinking about this, talking with my therapist about the work-slavery situation, with friends, and reading about work as-we-know-it-today abolition, I've come to the conclusion that finding a job you love or are passionate about is a patch made of priviledge that doesn't solve the root problem.

Yes, finding something to do that you genuinely enjoy and are passionate about (say software, psychology, teaching, arts, crafts, coaching, etcetera) is *really great*. But those positions can only exist when the rest of the society is working at the harder to bear jobs: construction workers, delivery workers, cleaning workers, maintenance, store workers.

The whole software industry, for example, would crack down without the people manufacturing hardware, the people taking care of the electric lines, the people selling the computers, the people cleaning their offices.

This is a situation that we have to turn to better *for everyone*, and as a software developer myself, we are in the moral obligation of using our priviledge to take action and spread awareness to everyone, coworkers included.

Edit: I forgot to add food workers. Shout out to all the people that make it possible that we have food on our plates at the end of the day.

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