
Telling them to fuck off feels so good.

Started a new job a few months ago. A lot of weirdness but whatever, it pays alright. Got a raving performance review a couple weeks ago, then today my boss randomly starts slamming me about how “If I can't keep up my end of the year reviews might not look too good” (typical “setting you up to fail” type of shit) She was saying stuff like “Well, things are only going to get more intense from here, so if you can't keep up now . . .” She dragged me for “communication issues” when SHE WAS OUT OF THE OFFICE ON VACATION ALL LAST WEEK. I sent her 5 emails that she ignored. 5. So I eventually just gave up and figured we could catch up during our meeting this week . . . ? She also scolded me for “not getting the planned work done” when some random asshole…

Started a new job a few months ago. A lot of weirdness but whatever, it pays alright. Got a raving performance review a couple weeks ago, then today my boss randomly starts slamming me about how “If I can't keep up my end of the year reviews might not look too good” (typical “setting you up to fail” type of shit)

She was saying stuff like “Well, things are only going to get more intense from here, so if you can't keep up now . . .”

She dragged me for “communication issues” when SHE WAS OUT OF THE OFFICE ON VACATION ALL LAST WEEK. I sent her 5 emails that she ignored. 5. So I eventually just gave up and figured we could catch up during our meeting this week . . . ?

She also scolded me for “not getting the planned work done” when some random asshole from another department horned in with an “urgent request” and demanded me to drop everything.

I didn't take it bending over. I wrote a literal essay about how she fucked up and told her in writing all of the above and way, way more. I told her the reason I'm behind on projects is because her incompetent peers keep demanding I clean up their garbage, and that I'm sick of it. I basically threatened to quit and go back to my old full-time freelance career (which I could do at any time) if she ever talked to me like that again.

Feels like I'm walking on the clouds. Try it sometime. Tell them to shove it and fuck the sun.

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