
temp agency, i swear to god i’m starting to get angry…

i drove all the way today to an early appointment at 11:30 a 45 minute drive away. i get there the damn temp agency's network is “down” now they want me to fucking come back tuesday so they can issue me a job. no fucking money for the rent and now i don't even have gas to go get some groceries. guess i'm going to fucking see if i can hock some more of my stuff for gas money. FML! this is the second time this month they have fucking done something to piss me off.

i drove all the way today to an early appointment at 11:30 a 45 minute drive away. i get there the damn temp agency's network is “down” now they want me to fucking come back tuesday so they can issue me a job. no fucking money for the rent and now i don't even have gas to go get some groceries. guess i'm going to fucking see if i can hock some more of my stuff for gas money. FML! this is the second time this month they have fucking done something to piss me off.

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