
Temp to hire vent

My partner was the only one working for the past year and a half. He was working through a temp agency and it's not like he was making us rich but for me to work, it would have been my whole salary to put the kids in daycare. It didn't make sense. His supervisor pushed him to apply for a position and they wanted to hire him. They offered him $1.75 less than what he was currently making. WITH THE SAME COMPANY. He is in IT and he would have had a whole department to manage plus help out at other locations as needed. He would be the only “floater.” He asked if they could come up. He was willing to take a small cut because they do offer a lot of benefits (that's how they get away with paying less) and they do annual increases, guaranteed. They counter offered…

My partner was the only one working for the past year and a half. He was working through a temp agency and it's not like he was making us rich but for me to work, it would have been my whole salary to put the kids in daycare. It didn't make sense.

His supervisor pushed him to apply for a position and they wanted to hire him. They offered him $1.75 less than what he was currently making. WITH THE SAME COMPANY. He is in IT and he would have had a whole department to manage plus help out at other locations as needed. He would be the only “floater.” He asked if they could come up. He was willing to take a small cut because they do offer a lot of benefits (that's how they get away with paying less) and they do annual increases, guaranteed.

They counter offered 35 cents more. He said, no thank you. I really need to be closer to what I was making and figured they'd at least come up half from their originally offer. Fuck is 35 cents? HR said ok.. Management terminated his contract immediately.

Not sure if he can collect unemployment, when we try to do it it shows he's quarterly income so idk WTF is going on. I'd rather do lots of side jobs and work on getting our own business going then EVER.have to deal with that type of immature behavior. I feel so bad for him, he really enjoys helping others in the tech industry, but that dude talked down on him from the beginning.

So.. fuck them.

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