
Tempted to quit my job today.

Hello everyone! I have been admittedly job hopping the last few months, finally landed something that I could see myself being happy with. I’m introverted, I like to work independently, and I like a set schedule… so I got a job as an admin assistant. But, here I am sitting in the office of the restaurant that I have been working at as a manager for the last few months. I absolutely hate it, and today was the nail in the coffin. My worst shifts are when I can’t help my servers and I’m everyone else BUT helping them. I had to buss tables, expo, host and somehow manage all at the same time. My big boss came in for lunch, without a warning, and the GM of our restaurant was so upset that I could properly visit with him, even after I told her that i was running around.…

Hello everyone!

I have been admittedly job hopping the last few months, finally landed something that I could see myself being happy with. I’m introverted, I like to work independently, and I like a set schedule… so I got a job as an admin assistant. But, here I am sitting in the office of the restaurant that I have been working at as a manager for the last few months. I absolutely hate it, and today was the nail in the coffin. My worst shifts are when I can’t help my servers and I’m everyone else BUT helping them. I had to buss tables, expo, host and somehow manage all at the same time. My big boss came in for lunch, without a warning, and the GM of our restaurant was so upset that I could properly visit with him, even after I told her that i was running around. THEN to top it all off, there were a couple of incidents yesterday that bruised the other manager’s ego so badly that he wrote 4 people up and expected me to speak to them this morning. After listening to their side, I am so angry with both of my co-workers for how they handled the incidents. As I said above, I have a job lined up & ready to go. All I have to do is turn my keys in here and never look back.

What would y’all do?

Also: I know that there is a general hatred of managers in this sub and rightfully so. I lead with compassion first and business second. 🤷‍️ I don’t believe in write ups for minor shit and I get my hands dirty when need be.

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