
Terrible Qualities in A Boss Besides the Obvious

One of the qualities in a boss that I dislike the most is when you have to spoon feed them. Case and point: if I’m setting up a meeting with a boss and I send them an executive summary of a situation (which is already paired down to the most crucial details) and they don’t read it. How can you, as a boss, come unprepared for a meeting? It’s your company! Don’t you want to be able to actively participate and understand what’s going on?!? My other pet peeve are bosses who frequently come in late and leave early. Again, this is your company, and you’re setting a TERRIBLE example for your staff. If the work day is 8 to 4, you should be there 8 to 4, not 10 to 2. What other qualities, besides the most obvious personality deficits, do you all hate in a boss?

One of the qualities in a boss that I dislike the most is when you have to spoon feed them. Case and point: if I’m setting up a meeting with a boss and I send them an executive summary of a situation (which is already paired down to the most crucial details) and they don’t read it. How can you, as a boss, come unprepared for a meeting? It’s your company! Don’t you want to be able to actively participate and understand what’s going on?!?

My other pet peeve are bosses who frequently come in late and leave early. Again, this is your company, and you’re setting a TERRIBLE example for your staff. If the work day is 8 to 4, you should be there 8 to 4, not 10 to 2.

What other qualities, besides the most obvious personality deficits, do you all hate in a boss?

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