
Terrible Work Environment

Ive worked 3 minimum/close to minimum wage jobs and they have all been terrible. The current job I work has been the worst so far. I work at a pizza chain where managers and coworkers will sit in the office for hours while everyone else works. They claim that its because they close but the entire time theyre just sitting in the office theyre still clocked in and making money off of other peoples work. When they come out of the office theyre always smug. There have been times where one of them was asked to handle customers while he was just sitting in the office and he outright said no and kept sitting. My job before was at a shop that specialized in changing oil and management at this job would work their employees to the bone. During a covid peak the vast majority of one of their locations…

Ive worked 3 minimum/close to minimum wage jobs and they have all been terrible.

The current job I work has been the worst so far. I work at a pizza chain where managers and coworkers will sit in the office for hours while everyone else works. They claim that its because they close but the entire time theyre just sitting in the office theyre still clocked in and making money off of other peoples work. When they come out of the office theyre always smug. There have been times where one of them was asked to handle customers while he was just sitting in the office and he outright said no and kept sitting.

My job before was at a shop that specialized in changing oil and management at this job would work their employees to the bone. During a covid peak the vast majority of one of their locations got sick and were unable to come in. One of the days the people that were there left early due to someone catching testing positive while at work. Instead of shutting the store down, they had people working at nearby locations come in to work the store that was just filled with people who were sick/tested positive. This was the same job that wanted to fire me for being unable to go into work that was an hour drive away while my car was in the shop getting fixed. For that same reason, they denied my transfer to a closer location.

My first job was at another fast food chain that was definitely a lot better run but the managers definitely showed preference to day shift employees. Dishes were supposed to be kept up on and the times where I had a swing shift instead of a late shift, none of the day shift employees had done them. When i brought it up to a manager he brushed it off and said why dont I talk to them(day shift) about it.

I get that no one working these jobs want to be there. I dont want to be there. But I need money and these are the only jobs that have been available to me due to being a college dropout. I just wish that more minimum wage jobs werent so terrible to work. Or better yet make minimum wage livable. At least itd make all of this more tolerable.

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