
Tested by the founder of our company and failed :(

I work for a small (150 people) Artificial Intelligence Agency. I'm the lead graphic designer for the marketing department. I made some posters for our office based on a deck made by the founder of our company. I emailed them to the office manager to get approved and she cc'd our founder. I got en email from the founder at 10pm asking for the copy so he can reword it, usually I wouldn't answer an email after hours, but since this was the founder himself I was super intimidated and quickly typed up the copy and sent it to him as a word doc. A few hours later he responded, and I read over what he wrote but some of it seemed grammatically incorrect, but I wasn't sure because it was about one of his definitions for our particular AI. I definitely read into it too much and kept second…

I work for a small (150 people) Artificial Intelligence Agency. I'm the lead graphic designer for the marketing department.

I made some posters for our office based on a deck made by the founder of our company. I emailed them to the office manager to get approved and she cc'd our founder.

I got en email from the founder at 10pm asking for the copy so he can reword it, usually I wouldn't answer an email after hours, but since this was the founder himself I was super intimidated and quickly typed up the copy and sent it to him as a word doc.

A few hours later he responded, and I read over what he wrote but some of it seemed grammatically incorrect, but I wasn't sure because it was about one of his definitions for our particular AI. I definitely read into it too much and kept second guessing myself but at the end I left it because why would a lowly graphic designer know more than the literal founder himself, so I took out two words that I knew were for sure wrong, and kept the rest, because after googling for over an hour and trying to interpret all the possible meanings, I figured I shouldn't question it.

I finished the poster and sent it out the following morning because by the time I finished stressing over the copy it was 3am.

Today my direct manager said the founder called her and told her he sent me the copy with grammatical errors on purpose as a test and all I did was copy and paste it and I didn't care.

That made me so sad because I actually did read it many many times but was too intimidated to change the copy.

Anyways thanks for reading , I just had to get this out because I'm so so sad that i made such a horrible first impression to the founder of our company. Moving forward instead of trying to do things quick to prove I'm a hard worker, I'll wait and send it to the copy editor.

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