
Thank all of you for comforting me today

I've been crying since yesterday and just found this subreddit and all the stories and memes here have genuinely cheered me up. I'm glad I'm not alone. I'm from Germany and finished an apprenticeship in logistics (which basically just means I'm a 'qualified' shitty warehouse worker). The only reason I even finished that was because it seemed easy enough and I didn't know what else to do, I still don't. I basically was home for 4 years after the apprenticeship due to depression and certain events that made my life a lot harder and I got back into working this year. Early in the year I got a decent job at a warehouse that was okay, I could tolerate it, but I broke my wrist and since I was still in trial period sadly I got laid off and couldn't get back in. Now yesterday I started working at a…

I've been crying since yesterday and just found this subreddit and all the stories and memes here have genuinely cheered me up. I'm glad I'm not alone.

I'm from Germany and finished an apprenticeship in logistics (which basically just means I'm a 'qualified' shitty warehouse worker). The only reason I even finished that was because it seemed easy enough and I didn't know what else to do, I still don't. I basically was home for 4 years after the apprenticeship due to depression and certain events that made my life a lot harder and I got back into working this year. Early in the year I got a decent job at a warehouse that was okay, I could tolerate it, but I broke my wrist and since I was still in trial period sadly I got laid off and couldn't get back in.

Now yesterday I started working at a huge DHL warehouse (similar to amazon I suppose) and I had a 6 hour shift of just throwing heavy parcel after parcel on a conveyor belt. It was the most monotone and physically demanding work I ever had to do. And my coworkers could barely speak German, the little German that they knew was wasted on talking about fucking women in brothels. Anyway, I don't mind physical work as long as I'm still young (26 rn); my apprenticeship was in a warehouse for painting and drywall equipment, but DHL was just horrible and I feel like people who work that for just a few years absolutely destroy their body. And all of that for SLIGHTLY above MINIMUM WAGE. WTF.

If you are new you have to wear a safety vest, and surprisingly(!!) almost everyone wore a safety vest. Seems like nobody sticks around for a long time there. So yeah, I was supposed to come in today as well, but I didn't. Called in sick. Gonna do the same for the whole next week and just hope to get fired. Never gonna do that again. Tbh, I really want to do something other than logistics at this point, but I suck at math and I don't really know where to go. But I guess I'll have to figure.

But yeah, I'm glad I found this subreddit. I'm glad I'm not alone. I was crying the whole day and I'm crying as I'm writing this post. I feel so hopeless. But I'm glad I'm not alone.

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