
Thank You Videos and Free Ice Cream!

Seeing a thank you video from many of the executives on the front page of our companies intranet. Then also just got an email about free scoop of ice cream or ice pop weekend!! Wooohooo. Now I can show my mortgage lender the video and they will waive this months mortgage! I can likely just give the ice cream to the IRS and they will send me back the money I paid in taxes this year! I’m ecstatic! /s

Seeing a thank you video from many of the executives on the front page of our companies intranet. Then also just got an email about free scoop of ice cream or ice pop weekend!! Wooohooo. Now I can show my mortgage lender the video and they will waive this months mortgage! I can likely just give the ice cream to the IRS and they will send me back the money I paid in taxes this year! I’m ecstatic! /s

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