
Thanks to this community for inspiring me to advocate for myself

I am a shift lead at a cannabis dispensary in a major US city, I work full time, and I make $19 an hour (which is just barely enough to cover my bills) My dispensary just sent out an email telling all staff that their time-off requests will be IMMEDIATELY and INDISCRIMINATELY denied unless the person putting in the request has enough PTO. Basically, no unpaid time off allowed; we own you and your time. I am a leftist and have been a member of antiwork for a long time, but I was also raised by Republicans who instilled in me the American work ethic. It's always been difficult for me to ask for what I need from my boss and advocate for myself in the workplace. For a minute, I considered keeping my head down and quietly looking for another job, but during the morning meeting yesterday I spoke…

I am a shift lead at a cannabis dispensary in a major US city, I work full time, and I make $19 an hour (which is just barely enough to cover my bills)

My dispensary just sent out an email telling all staff that their time-off requests will be IMMEDIATELY and INDISCRIMINATELY denied unless the person putting in the request has enough PTO. Basically, no unpaid time off allowed; we own you and your time.

I am a leftist and have been a member of antiwork for a long time, but I was also raised by Republicans who instilled in me the American work ethic. It's always been difficult for me to ask for what I need from my boss and advocate for myself in the workplace. For a minute, I considered keeping my head down and quietly looking for another job, but during the morning meeting yesterday I spoke up about the new policy. Later I met with my AGM and spelled out that I own my time, I choose to sell my time to my employer, and I will not stay at a job where I do not own my time. It was incredibly difficult for me to say to a supervisor I don't know very well, my heart was pounding and I even cried a little. (Only a little tho!)

She listened to me, and said she'd speak with the GM (who knows me better than she does and has the final say), but ultimately it was unlikely they'll budge on this. I am obviously upset and didn't really want to have to look for another job, but I am proud of myself for standing up for myself at my job for pretty much the first time in my life. And hey, there's still a slim chance that my self-advocacy will be successful.

Anyways, thanks guys. Also fuck corporations.

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