
That one insufferable guy/girl and a job that kills you inside.

There's always that one coworker that's a totally insufferable boot licker that will always throw his/her coworker's under the bus to be in favour with the higher ups. I have a customer service job that I hate. My daily schedule for work is, I wake at 8 and leave at 9:30 and reach work at 11:30. A bloody 2hr commute. Than I work 8hrs where I have to deal with a management that has no idea what's it doing with supervisors that are rude and condescending, one of them is even sexist and of course they don't care about you, as well as annoying customers (most are alright but some are just annoying), this is not made any better considering I'm an introvert. Than there is that coworker that absolutely loves to report his coworkers to the supervisors to gain favour. God, I hate that guy. The smallest of things,…

There's always that one coworker that's a totally insufferable boot licker that will always throw his/her coworker's under the bus to be in favour with the higher ups. I have a customer service job that I hate. My daily schedule for work is, I wake at 8 and leave at 9:30 and reach work at 11:30. A bloody 2hr commute. Than I work 8hrs where I have to deal with a management that has no idea what's it doing with supervisors that are rude and condescending, one of them is even sexist and of course they don't care about you, as well as annoying customers (most are alright but some are just annoying), this is not made any better considering I'm an introvert. Than there is that coworker that absolutely loves to report his coworkers to the supervisors to gain favour. God, I hate that guy. The smallest of things, he'll report like my uniform not being in compliance with policy. The job uniform is a White dress shirt with black dress pants with a black vest on top of the shirt. The pants I wear are not dress pants but they are black and I've been wearing them for nearly 7 months since I started the job and guess what, no one noticed or simply didn't care because I wasn't the only one not wearing dress pants. But because of that guy I got in trouble with the supervisor. My shift starts at 12 to 8:30 but due to commute I get home at 10:30. I'm only a part timer that works 3 days a week while the other days I go to college. If this is the shit I have to deal with now, I can't even imagine the future. Thank you for reading my rant.

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