
the american healthcare system is such a joke

i work at a hospital. my boomer of a boss just called an all department meeting to announce to us that all our insurance premiums are going to rise at least double to match the current rising inflation costs come january… but not our wages. All while in the same breath announcing she’s going on a 2 week vacation to florida to play golf with her super smart engineer husband, and promising to bring us back a brain eating bacteria as a souvenir. (no, really) and telling us to combat these rising costs, the insurance company is offering a new beta insurance assistance program that anyone who makes under 55K a year can apply to offset the new costs by having the hospital pay directly up to 75% if approved. this makes no sense. i see no way of getting out of living paycheck to paycheck, and not being able…

i work at a hospital. my boomer of a boss just called an all department meeting to announce to us that all our insurance premiums are going to rise at least double to match the current rising inflation costs come january… but not our wages. All while in the same breath announcing she’s going on a 2 week vacation to florida to play golf with her super smart engineer husband, and promising to bring us back a brain eating bacteria as a souvenir. (no, really) and telling us to combat these rising costs, the insurance company is offering a new beta insurance assistance program that anyone who makes under 55K a year can apply to offset the new costs by having the hospital pay directly up to 75% if approved. this makes no sense. i see no way of getting out of living paycheck to paycheck, and not being able to put anything in savings because i literally have nothing left over when after all taxes, and insurance i make barely 13 an hour. to follow this up, she suggested that if we have a spouse to “just get on their insurance, but it probably won’t be any better than ours since hospitals have the best health insurance money can buy. It’s times like these I’m really glad my husband got his degree and I can be on his policy” ? and that the hospital so graciously added another week to their maternity leave, now putting it at 5 weeks instead of 4. what a tone deaf joke. i hate this country.

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