
The answer to all your questions

You should all read “Work” by James Suzman. He is an anthropologist who has written a deep history of work. I, like many of you, am disillusioned with work and what it means. This book elucidates the topic in a theoretical yet accessible way. James takes us from pre-historic to modern times and looks at how work has changed. I am almost finished and it's one of the best books I have ever read.

You should all read “Work” by James Suzman. He is an anthropologist who has written a deep history of work.

I, like many of you, am disillusioned with work and what it means.

This book elucidates the topic in a theoretical yet accessible way.

James takes us from pre-historic to modern times and looks at how work has changed.

I am almost finished and it's one of the best books I have ever read.

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