
The Anti Work Movement is pivotal

Historically women were “stuck” in more domestic roles. Often cooking and cleaning and looking after kids. Many women were disillusioned with their life and begged their offspring to go to college and pursue a career. The emphasis was for women to be “independent” and not depend on a spouse or contribute financially. Or have an education to “fall back on” in case they were widowed or divorced. Well many of these grandkids of this mentality saw both their parents slaving away. They may have been latch key kids and suffered neglect while their parents worked two jobs or suffered a long commute. What most don't understand about the anti work movement— is not a lazy generation… It is RETRIBUTION for stealing our parents lives and robbing our childhoods, or our young adulthood away. These companies need to see this movement as a “burn your bra” or “protest Vietnam” or a…

Historically women were “stuck” in more domestic roles. Often cooking and cleaning and looking after kids.

Many women were disillusioned with their life and begged their offspring to go to college and pursue a career.

The emphasis was for women to be “independent” and not depend on a spouse or contribute financially. Or have an education to “fall back on” in case they were widowed or divorced.

Well many of these grandkids of this mentality saw both their parents slaving away. They may have been latch key kids and suffered neglect while their parents worked two jobs or suffered a long commute.

What most don't understand about the anti work movement— is not a lazy generation…

It is RETRIBUTION for stealing our parents lives and robbing our childhoods, or our young adulthood away.

These companies need to see this movement as a “burn your bra” or “protest Vietnam” or a Civil Rights Struggle.

We are pushing back against the Corporate plantation.

We are the Underground Railroad.

The same way Great Grandma promoted college is the same way we are promoting a Non Slavery Lifestyle.

We are not on this planet to be used up and thrown out.

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