

Throwaway for privacy. My husband submitted a resignation letter in early March and gave them more than 2 weeks notice – closer to 3 -3.5. He is the only person in this small business that knows his production area inside and out. He has asked the owners to hire him help many times before over the years and it's still just him. In his letter, he offered two options: his last day is the last day of March, or if they wanted to hire a replacement, he would train them and continue to work until the last day of May, but on a part time basis. They chose the end of March. We are 2 days away from the end of March and they asked him to stay until end of May since he offered. Excuse me what? He gave them two options and they made their choice. They're supposed…

Throwaway for privacy.

My husband submitted a resignation letter in early March and gave them more than 2 weeks notice – closer to 3 -3.5.

He is the only person in this small business that knows his production area inside and out. He has asked the owners to hire him help many times before over the years and it's still just him. In his letter, he offered two options: his last day is the last day of March, or if they wanted to hire a replacement, he would train them and continue to work until the last day of May, but on a part time basis. They chose the end of March.

We are 2 days away from the end of March and they asked him to stay until end of May since he offered. Excuse me what? He gave them two options and they made their choice.

They're supposed to be talking about it more tomorrow.

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