
The “bad boss” always wins, right ?

As from my previous story about my work (told here), there is an aftermath, that shocked me, and might shock you as well. After situation with my boss, I went on vacation for a week, as this was planned in my schedule. As I came back to work after vacation, hoping to do my job without any troubles, my boss came to me as I finished my shift and told me that I will not get next contract, and my current one ends in about a week from that day. Since I didn't know before any details of my next contract, I have contacted HR, and I was shocked about the info from HR that there was no info from my boss to them about terminating my next contract, as HR knew that my next contract was about to be given to me through my boss. As I am told…

As from my previous story about my work (told here), there is an aftermath, that shocked me, and might shock you as well.

After situation with my boss, I went on vacation for a week, as this was planned in my schedule. As I came back to work after vacation, hoping to do my job without any troubles, my boss came to me as I finished my shift and told me that I will not get next contract, and my current one ends in about a week from that day.

Since I didn't know before any details of my next contract, I have contacted HR, and I was shocked about the info from HR that there was no info from my boss to them about terminating my next contract, as HR knew that my next contract was about to be given to me through my boss.

As I am told by HR, in my company there is workflow, where every boss from any department need to inform about month before the end of contract for each worker, if anybody will get new one or not. So after some time thinking about that I have a conclusion. Since the situation with me and my boss took place, I have pierced through my “boss's” ego, and without any understatement from me, he is holding me to not sign new contract, just to get revenge on me, and he will most likely tell the HR that I just didn't want to sign a new contract. So I went to psychiatrist and went on “medical off work”, just to avoid any other possible bad relations in work.

My advice after such experience? Try to avoid argument with your boss under pressure, bite your tongue, but in case that happened, if your boss is likely to speak with you with any kind manner and you are sure about it, speak, tell about the situation, and help your boss understand your situation, the hard times are coming maybe and you cannot find yourself under more than usual pressure. Else if your boss is a dickhead, and such or similar situation happened, better be ready to change your work, as such people, like many bosses at work may try to fire you, tryinng to keep his hands clean from the mess he is about to make and blame you anyway. You as a person are worth something more than other might think, or your comission to work is worth more than one or two accidents in your experience in each company.

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