
The best resignation ever; and some angry sobbing?

So I just resigned from my job and I have never been more satisfied in my life.  Long story short, I've been at this job for a year and have recieved nothing but disrespect and disregard at best. This all led to my breaking point a few weeks back when I was in a meeting with the program director. I was feeling irritated with her, but I was trying to navigate my conversations respectfully because after all, she is my superior. At the end of the convo as I was leaving she remarked, “hopefully soon you will feel more comfortable talking to me.” I was a little thrown off by this comment. That is, until she added a whole spiel about how she thought I am unprofessional, how my biggest character flaw is how “awkward” I am and how “lucky” I should be to have my job with them because…

So I just resigned from my job and I have never been more satisfied in my life. 

Long story short, I've been at this job for a year and have recieved nothing but disrespect and disregard at best. This all led to my breaking point a few weeks back when I was in a meeting with the program director. I was feeling irritated with her, but I was trying to navigate my conversations respectfully because after all, she is my superior. At the end of the convo as I was leaving she remarked, “hopefully soon you will feel more comfortable talking to me.” I was a little thrown off by this comment. That is, until she added a whole spiel about how she thought I am unprofessional, how my biggest character flaw is how “awkward” I am and how “lucky” I should be to have my job with them because they give me the opportunity to grow these skills. (Side note- I've worked with some VERY successful people in past jobs and have always recieved the exact opposite opinion). As if this wasn't enough, she added that she only says this so that one day when I'm looking for another job this will help me be better at interviewing. What the fuck?

I was speechless and left. Then I immediately searched and applied to every job I saw within my skill sets. And yes, I made a specific point to use my middle finger to hit the “apply” button on every single application. I was quickly swamped with interviews and got offered a job as a program director that I just accepted yesterday.

Anyways, I resigned today. I got to enjoy the look on her face when I told her I've accepted a position with the exact job title/duties as her own for a significantly more prestigious program than hers and mind you, I'm only half her age.

Here's the best part, I have no desire or need to ever use her as a reference, so I wrote the best letter of resignation which clearly laid out my reasons for seeking employment elsewhere and called her out fairly directly in the letter. She flipped her fucking marbles when she read it. I've never seen a grown ass adult angry sob the way she did. She screamed at me and sobbed and then sobbed some more. I'm not even sure why she was crying? Anyways, she told me to leave and dramatically threw my letter across the room. She told me she had an interview to attend to. As I was leaving her office (made of paper-thin walls) I made direct eye contact with the person who she would be interviewing. This poor girl was staring at me as white as a ghost. I smiled and left.

Can't wait until she realizes that per company policy they owe me about 80hrs worth of pto because I was never allowed to use it.

I'm sorry if this post comes across as self-inflated, but after a year of being treated like absolute shit, it feels so good to throw up some middle fingers.

TLDR; after a year of being mistreated by the program director I got a new job of equivalent title to her's and resigned today. She angry sobbed, it was great.

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