
The best response to being asked to work overtime…..

I'm disappointed to say it wasn't my response but rather one I received after asking someone if they could pick up an extra shift for us. (They transfered from our store to another location 10/15 minutes away.) ME: Hi stranger, probably a long shot but could you do a night shift for us on Thursday? 🤞 I've got someone on a 2 week sicknote with a bad foot & my new staff don't start until next week! Could you let me know either way plz hun xx THEM: Sorry, I h8 this job too much to commit outside my contracted obligation… Xx Not much I could say to that! Lol At least I got kisses on the end!

I'm disappointed to say it wasn't my response but rather one I received after asking someone if they could pick up an extra shift for us. (They transfered from our store to another location 10/15 minutes away.)

ME: Hi stranger, probably a long shot but could you do a night shift for us on Thursday? 🤞
I've got someone on a 2 week sicknote with a bad foot & my new staff don't start until next week!
Could you let me know either way plz hun xx

THEM: Sorry, I h8 this job too much to commit outside my contracted obligation… Xx

Not much I could say to that! Lol At least I got kisses on the end!

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