
The Boomers would have done better, than our present generations… And that sucks

Today people want to have more time for their desires. Know the system doesn't support that. It's work till you drop. Even after you are done your studies, unless you have some support from family or something, you will need to work like a crazy person to support yourself. And it's only going to get worst. Also, it seems like having panic attacks is on the rise lately. Not sure why but I bet if Boomers were in this predicament when they were younger. They would have done something about it. Like strike and unionize… And then they would have made sure the union treated their needs correctly. They would have used force if necessary. We now live in a society that doesn't band together to make change. We are all about the individual… We would need a proper movement, but because we are all about ourselves for the most…

Today people want to have more time for their desires. Know the system doesn't support that. It's work till you drop. Even after you are done your studies, unless you have some support from family or something, you will need to work like a crazy person to support yourself. And it's only going to get worst. Also, it seems like having panic attacks is on the rise lately. Not sure why but I bet if Boomers were in this predicament when they were younger. They would have done something about it. Like strike and unionize… And then they would have made sure the union treated their needs correctly. They would have used force if necessary. We now live in a society that doesn't band together to make change. We are all about the individual… We would need a proper movement, but because we are all about ourselves for the most part. We will fall and fail…

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