
The budget is important? To you, not me lol

I work at the front desk of a hotel, and I have always been an outstanding employee. I get awesome reviews and the guests love me. The problem, however, isn't me….It's my boss. He and he alone gets a bonus every quarter the hotel runs under budget….and it turns him into a scroogey nightmare. For example, our ice machine has been broken for 6 months and he refuses to get a new one. We never have enough towels or bedding for the rooms. We consistently run short staffed and have 1 front desk agent as the only staff on property 60% of the time. The rooms are falling apart. Nothing gets repaired. He's cut our shuttle hours to avoid labor costs. He's even put wage freezes on employees to prevent raises…. And guess who hears the complaints? Not him, he only works 6 hours a day. It's the front desk…

I work at the front desk of a hotel, and I have always been an outstanding employee. I get awesome reviews and the guests love me. The problem, however, isn't me….It's my boss. He and he alone gets a bonus every quarter the hotel runs under budget….and it turns him into a scroogey nightmare.

For example, our ice machine has been broken for 6 months and he refuses to get a new one. We never have enough towels or bedding for the rooms. We consistently run short staffed and have 1 front desk agent as the only staff on property 60% of the time. The rooms are falling apart. Nothing gets repaired. He's cut our shuttle hours to avoid labor costs. He's even put wage freezes on employees to prevent raises…. And guess who hears the complaints? Not him, he only works 6 hours a day. It's the front desk (aka me).

I put in my two weeks for my coworkers and my last day is tomorrow. So…I've been having a lot of fun with my job because I know I'm leaving. Pet fee who? Never met her. Do your 7 kids want some free market items? The oreos are the most expensive.
How about a complimentary discount on your room that you never asked for? I gotcha. Free upgrade with an extra bedroom you don't need? Of course. How about some breakfast food for dinner? I'll run to the kitchen for you. Show up on time? I know my coworkers want the overtime. I don't give a rat's ass. These poor guests and my coworkers suffer because of my boss and his precious budget. So I'll run it up a little before I leave. I know it's small fry compared to what the hotel makes, but it feels so good.

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