
The City of Dallas is implementing their final phase of their return to work program, stripping many staff of their work from home positions

This doesn't need to blow up, I just need to vent a second. I work for the City of Dallas, and just wanted to share my frustration. They are implementing the final phase of their return to work program. They are leaving the policy open to allow for flex time, but are leaving it up to the managers. Do you know what they are doing? Ripping away the time and telling us we can have a day or two off a week or less. My position is administrative and doesn't need to exist in a public-facing environment. I have been working from home for the last 2 years and have actually increased my productivity significantly. They are stealing time away from me to drive into the office and sit in an uncomfortable chair in a cubicle and have no interactions with my coworkers or the outside public. I just think…

This doesn't need to blow up, I just need to vent a second. I work for the City of Dallas, and just wanted to share my frustration.

They are implementing the final phase of their return to work program. They are leaving the policy open to allow for flex time, but are leaving it up to the managers. Do you know what they are doing? Ripping away the time and telling us we can have a day or two off a week or less.

My position is administrative and doesn't need to exist in a public-facing environment. I have been working from home for the last 2 years and have actually increased my productivity significantly.

They are stealing time away from me to drive into the office and sit in an uncomfortable chair in a cubicle and have no interactions with my coworkers or the outside public. I just think it's bullshit and wanted to share. They are going to lose a lot of talent because of this.

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