
The city wipped out crosssguard jobs

If my city messing with the transit wasnt bad enough. It feels even worse now as it shows they dont give to shits about us. I use to work as a crossguard for two years. I gained the job during covid and it helped pay my bills. All i had to do was report hours to a security company that was hired by the city to oversee the crossguard work. This past end of school year all employees recived a email from the employer that the contact had ended. Dont worry as our jobs were okay and the city would contact us with further information. Turns out the city had put the crossgaurd contract back up for bids without the third party knowing. By the time they knew, it was too late and the biding was closed. Come to today when i see a job posting on the city fb…

If my city messing with the transit wasnt bad enough. It feels even worse now as it shows they dont give to shits about us.

I use to work as a crossguard for two years. I gained the job during covid and it helped pay my bills. All i had to do was report hours to a security company that was hired by the city to oversee the crossguard work.

This past end of school year all employees recived a email from the employer that the contact had ended. Dont worry as our jobs were okay and the city would contact us with further information. Turns out the city had put the crossgaurd contract back up for bids without the third party knowing. By the time they knew, it was too late and the biding was closed.

Come to today when i see a job posting on the city fb page. They were looking to hire crossguards and since i had not heard anything, i contacted them. To be informed i had to reapply for this job i was told was secure. They said it wasn't thier fualt when the contract rolled over and due to privacy reasons, they could not get the old employee list to contact them. The listing did claim they had already 32 active crossguards so i call bs. Now i have to reapply and hope i look good enough to get back a job as i cant transport back and forth for a job in the main city easily. I have as much chance as anyone to get my old job back. Wtf…

I am in so much shock. I will be contacting a relitive to see if i can move out of this hell.

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