According to the system, I should be pretty happy with where I am with my recently acquired higher-paying engineering job. I did what I was supposed to do. Yet, I am incredibly stressed & insecure. Here's the reality:
-There's no rentals in my area (company providing housing atm). Very hard to find rentals throughout the country, & nevermind ones that aren't crazy expensive.
-No possible way in affording a house
-Student loans and no safety net.
-I hate my work & I do not enjoy engineering– I am fairly incompetent. I cannot seem to find suitable work that will actually pay enough to live. So, I have no choice but to drain my mental health, doing something I dislike, trying my best to not get fired…so I can keep “living”.
I just wish I didn't have this incredible amount of stress to not end up homeless & die. If basic necessities were a human right, I could take my time and really find where I fit into this world. I could offer so much more value to everyone. I'm really trying to do this…it's just very difficult when you're constantly trying to stay above water.