
The company I work for just announced they are going to be “transforming”. Allegedly 8000 jobs will be affected. The media knew before us.

My managers confirmed my job is not impacted, but I am already actively looking elsewhere due to several reasons. One being that I am heavily reliant on the other departments to preform my work. They laid off more than 1000 people in August. The media reports the divisions who are affected now were “slightly below” the rest of the company portfolio. 8000 people potentially let go because the green line won't go up fast enough. The media knew before us workers. They published it the exact same moment we got the email. The media knew. before. us.

My managers confirmed my job is not impacted, but I am already actively looking elsewhere due to several reasons. One being that I am heavily reliant on the other departments to preform my work.

They laid off more than 1000 people in August. The media reports the divisions who are affected now were “slightly below” the rest of the company portfolio. 8000 people potentially let go because the green line won't go up fast enough.

The media knew before us workers. They published it the exact same moment we got the email.

The media knew. before. us.

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