
The company I worked for thought I was lying to them and tried to call my bluff

I hope this is /r/antiwork-worthy. This was early March of this year. I had been working in my role for about a year and honestly had no clue if I was being paid fairly for my work. I had nothing to reference to as the salary range for my position (insurance underwriter) ranged anywhere from $42K to $95,000 a year CDN, depending on experience. I wasn’t necessarily looking to jump ship, but again, wasn’t sure if I was being paid fairly for my work. I got approached by a headhunter from another insurance company and said screw it, what’s the worst thing that could happen? Let’s hear what they have to say. My gosh. This company was amazing from the get-go. Provided a salary range right away, only made me go through one interview, didn’t ask for references. I made $52K at the old company and this company offered me…

I hope this is /r/antiwork-worthy.

This was early March of this year. I had been working in my role for about a year and honestly had no clue if I was being paid fairly for my work. I had nothing to reference to as the salary range for my position (insurance underwriter) ranged anywhere from $42K to $95,000 a year CDN, depending on experience.

I wasn’t necessarily looking to jump ship, but again, wasn’t sure if I was being paid fairly for my work. I got approached by a headhunter from another insurance company and said screw it, what’s the worst thing that could happen? Let’s hear what they have to say.

My gosh. This company was amazing from the get-go. Provided a salary range right away, only made me go through one interview, didn’t ask for references. I made $52K at the old company and this company offered me $75K (after negotiating with them a bit).

Absolutely no hate to my old company…I felt that they treated me well, paid for all my training, provided lots of advancement. So I felt it would be the fair thing to do to let themknow I got an offer elsewhere and give them an opportunity to counter.

Guys…I hopped into a meeting with my ex boss and her boss. They offered me $65K. I politely declined. The look on their faces was priceless…like, imagine surprised pikachu face. Then they immediately backtrack and try to say “are you sure?? I’ll take this back and see if we can dig under the couch cushions to get some more money for you!”

They thought I was lying about a fake job offer to get a higher salary with them. I was not lying. I very politely said, “thank you for offer, but I don’t feel any further negotiations will be productive and I will be taking the other company’s offer.”

From their perspective…maybe they made the right move in trying to call me out, as maybe in 8 out of 10 cases people lie. But I was one of the ones who did not.

I don’t know…it just felt good to tell them “fuck you and your bullshit offer.” Well, not in so many words but you know what I mean. Hopefully they’ll learn something from this? But probably not.

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