
The corporate-government complex is running out of ways to rob us.

They've thrown us into massive debt as a nation, pointing the finger at whoever can't or won't contribute to the prison industrial complex or the military industrial complex. They've capitalized on our toil and misery. They've cannibalized us and are sending us into the new ghettos, mobile units they can shoo away, apartment complexes, trailer parks, and jail. They hoard everything they can capitalize on, from food and water to ideas and religion. They are a loud, rabid dog, but they sit behind their fences guarding the palaces we built. And there they sit. If we ignore them, they have no bite. We need a general strike, and to help our neighbors.

They've thrown us into massive debt as a nation, pointing the finger at whoever can't or won't contribute to the prison industrial complex or the military industrial complex. They've capitalized on our toil and misery. They've cannibalized us and are sending us into the new ghettos, mobile units they can shoo away, apartment complexes, trailer parks, and jail. They hoard everything they can capitalize on, from food and water to ideas and religion. They are a loud, rabid dog, but they sit behind their fences guarding the palaces we built.

And there they sit. If we ignore them, they have no bite. We need a general strike, and to help our neighbors.

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