
The crazy story of how I quit my job

So as the title states I recently quit my job of 8yrs and its become a story that's honestly more absurd than most ask reddit youtube videos lol. For a bit of background I worked a little over 8 years in a restaurant starting from when I was in high school and continued on post graduation holding multiple positions from dishwasher when I first started working to being along side my brother as a chef for the last 2 years I worked there. My brother had been the chef of the place for the past 5 years starting while I was still doing dishes. This should be enough info so lets dive in. So I worked at this place under the previous owners who are a family friend for over 7 years starting from when I was in high school and during that time I dealt with a ton of…

So as the title states I recently quit my job of 8yrs and its become a story that's honestly more absurd than most ask reddit youtube videos lol. For a bit of background I worked a little over 8 years in a restaurant starting from when I was in high school and continued on post graduation holding multiple positions from dishwasher when I first started working to being along side my brother as a chef for the last 2 years I worked there. My brother had been the chef of the place for the past 5 years starting while I was still doing dishes. This should be enough info so lets dive in.

So I worked at this place under the previous owners who are a family friend for over 7 years starting from when I was in high school and during that time I dealt with a ton of drama since most of the other employees were my fellow schoolmates and/or people connected to them. So anyone whose worked in a restaurant knows how rough it is and then slap dozens of peoples worth of drama over some stupid shit daily onto it and then repeat that for 7 years. Needless to say it sucked ass and, after all that time I was getting sick of it and was ready to put my notice in. Well while I was debating on putting my notice in all the employees were informed that the owners were selling the place and that the buyers were a waitress whom I had graduated school with and had been working there for about 4 months at the time.

With this news I decided I would hold off on quitting and help them get started. I even thought it was possible that they might change some things and reduce some of the drama and nonsense. insert that was a fucking lie meme here Well things started out alright and was going smoothly but quickly cracked started forming and people started just doing whatever the hell they wanted and not gave a fuck stiring up a ton more drama including some bullshit between me and our fry cook about me yelling at her daughter (one of the waitresses) so she could hear me over the sounds of a running dish washer. Well this one really pissed me off but like most of the drama up there I tried to just let it go and move on like the bigger man.

Then cut to 2 weeks later where during a busy Friday night our frycook was in a pissy mood and was running her mouth about some shit venting whatever shitty mood she was in. Well she and my brother got into it since she was pissing him off and she let slip that the new owner wanted to fire me and had been trying to find excuses to do so. Basically saying that the only reason I still had a job was because he worked there and they didn't want to piss him off and have him leave because of me being fired. With the whole drama over me yelling at her daughter being one of multiple things they'd considered trying to fire me. Well after being confronted about it the new owners never denied it while trying to down play the whole thing. Well my brother being absolutely pissed with this shit just walks out right then and there in the middle of the rush. With the frycook following him the entire time trying to say it was all just a joke and that he knew that.

Well with him gone they officially needed me since I was the only one who could run the grill now. I kept it cool and didn't say anything or really react in any way while the new owner, the frycook, and some of the wait staff all started kissing my ass so I wouldn't leave. I worked the rest of that night will contemplating everything that was said and happened. I continued that contemplating the next day where I woke up early and spent some time with my family finally reaching the simple conclusion. I was fucking done.

I'd already been sick of all the drama and other bullshit happening so, that with all this new stuff piled on top I simply wasn't having it anymore. So I waited till 1hr before the place opened walked in and calmly spoke with the owner and told her how I felt and that I was done and was walking out. She was calm and understanding up till I told her I wasn't planning to work that day or even a notice which I knew was bs but I wasn't about to keep putting up with that shit. After that she got super pissed and told me to get the fuck out and stormed off. I also later found out her lied about what I told her and said I cursed her out and fake cried to her husband so he would be pissed at me.

Since then we keep up with a few of the people still up there including the previous owners and had talked to them about everything. Come to find out the new owners had been denying help from the old owners about stuff and lied to the employees telling them the old owners screwed them over with this and that and that they wouldn't respond to them anymore. The new owners apparently also have been buying alcohol for some of the waitresses, talking shit about the employees, and apparently gone through a total of 5 different cooks trying to replace me and my bro. The current one they have has gotten multiple complaints from customers about crap food and has the owners desperately trying to find ways to make money by doing stuff like theme nights withb0 success. Most people don't think the new owners will last a year at this rate.

Welp thank yall for reading this cluster fuck of a story lol hopefully it was a fun read for yall

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