
The Dairy Queen franchise that doesn’t give raise and commits many crimes (don’t give this post too much traction I don’t want to be found out)

I started my job their 2 months ago and for my own privacy I’m not saying which town but essentially our owner sucks. Our boss isn’t bad a lot of people dislike him cause he’s the boss but he’s pretty chill. However our owner is the real problem. Let me first say I haven’t had that large of a problem, just that hes missed a few hours on my paycheck twice but the first time it was replayed the second time was tonight so still pending. Anyway first the raises, despite the price just being raised to absurd amount (over seven dollars for a large blizzard) no one has gotten a raise in a while, no one their makes more then 12:75 except the manager at least that I know of. We start at 10:75 which for a 14 year old is good at least that I can find. Now…

I started my job their 2 months ago and for my own privacy I’m not saying which town but essentially our owner sucks. Our boss isn’t bad a lot of people dislike him cause he’s the boss but he’s pretty chill. However our owner is the real problem. Let me first say I haven’t had that large of a problem, just that hes missed a few hours on my paycheck twice but the first time it was replayed the second time was tonight so still pending.

Anyway first the raises, despite the price just being raised to absurd amount (over seven dollars for a large blizzard) no one has gotten a raise in a while, no one their makes more then 12:75 except the manager at least that I know of. We start at 10:75 which for a 14 year old is good at least that I can find.

Now onto crimes, first child labor. I myself am 14 and I like that I can work passed 7 and for more then 3 hours on a school night, however when we close if someone is 14 and closing have to stay there tell it’s done which can take till about 10:30 at times. But yeah still a crime.

And the big one is one I suspect and am not 100% sure of but it’s pretty damn suspicious. Like I said earlier sometimes he misses a few hours or the computer system has a glitch so he pays in cash, but he still takes out “taxes”. Now I don’t think he pays the taxes since it’s the manager taking it out of the register and giving it to us after being told to give us roughly the amount that they’d have with taxes taken out and then doesn’t take anything else out of the register.

Anyway yeah, TLDR; child labor laws violated, very minimal raises, and potential tax fraud

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