
The Dodo Union is being offered loans by Vox for lost pay

Hi! Just thought this was absurd as i've been following The Dodo's union fight for a couple of years now. They first ratified their contract in 2018 under Group Nine Media, who was acquired by Vox in 2022. My understanding of the situation is that Vox is not going to raise the Dodo Unit's pay to parity with the other Units (Thrillist, Vox News, etc…), Vox is not covering a pay gap that will occur when transitioning onto Vox's systems, and Vox is not compensating the employee's for any banked PTO time they will lose when moving to Vox's unlimited PTO. Im really surprised this isn't getting more coverage. Am I nuts or is this gross?

Hi! Just thought this was absurd as i've been following The Dodo's union fight for a couple of years now. They first ratified their contract in 2018 under Group Nine Media, who was acquired by Vox in 2022.

My understanding of the situation is that Vox is not going to raise the Dodo Unit's pay to parity with the other Units (Thrillist, Vox News, etc…), Vox is not covering a pay gap that will occur when transitioning onto Vox's systems, and Vox is not compensating the employee's for any banked PTO time they will lose when moving to Vox's unlimited PTO.

Im really surprised this isn't getting more coverage. Am I nuts or is this gross?

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