
The Double Standard knows no bounds

In a previous post, I talked about a trainer at a job who rearranged an entire day around taking her kids trick or treating, meaning I have to wake up at least four hours earlier. So, I figured I would schedule a dentist's appointment. Kinda like, really annoyed about this so I am trying to be smart and use the policies to my advantage. I told her I totally spaced it and asked if she would work with me. Oh no, of course she won't. I HAVE to rearrange an entire day (my anniversary BTW), for her CHILD, someone I've never met, but I can't leave for my dentist's appt. I have to work with her and she won't work with me. It seems like A LOT of people are being allowed to leave without issue, including her. We're not supposed to miss more than 16 hours of training -…

In a previous post, I talked about a trainer at a job who rearranged an entire day around taking her kids trick or treating, meaning I have to wake up at least four hours earlier. So, I figured I would schedule a dentist's appointment. Kinda like, really annoyed about this so I am trying to be smart and use the policies to my advantage. I told her I totally spaced it and asked if she would work with me. Oh no, of course she won't. I HAVE to rearrange an entire day (my anniversary BTW), for her CHILD, someone I've never met, but I can't leave for my dentist's appt. I have to work with her and she won't work with me.

It seems like A LOT of people are being allowed to leave without issue, including her. We're not supposed to miss more than 16 hours of training – I'm 90% she herself has missed more. There's a girl coming in late because of appointments she also “forgot about” today – I hope she makes it in because I need to ask her if she told them about this two weeks in advance and if not, is she getting “pointed” for it… Because seriously there is NOTHING that says I have to go to work early for another person's child in any rule or policy.

Dunno. Any suggestions?

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