
The economy does not incentivise wage labour but it necessitates it.

Over the last few weeks I began to put the pieces together and it began to click for me. The entire economy is built on wage labour but wage labour itself is not incentivised. This is because economic growth is not really growth for wage earners who are largely not able to invest their money in high enough amounts or with high enough return rates to really make much of a difference. Once I realised this, my motivation to work completely tanked and I realised how much is being extracted from me. It’s also really discouraged me from investing of any kind because i began to see it for what it is: immoral exploitation. Is there any investing that is ethical given this semi marxist analysis? Wrote this at work lol.

Over the last few weeks I began to put the pieces together and it began to click for me. The entire economy is built on wage labour but wage labour itself is not incentivised. This is because economic growth is not really growth for wage earners who are largely not able to invest their money in high enough amounts or with high enough return rates to really make much of a difference.
Once I realised this, my motivation to work completely tanked and I realised how much is being extracted from me. It’s also really discouraged me from investing of any kind because i began to see it for what it is: immoral exploitation. Is there any investing that is ethical given this semi marxist analysis? Wrote this at work lol.

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