
The “employee mental health services” at my job

This past summer I was mauled by a dog that had been used for fighting, probably minutes after it escaped its abusers. I had been walking my dog on a leash down our regular route when it came from nowhere and began attacking my dog and I, at some points dragging me by the thigh across concrete as I screamed for help and tried to beat it away everytime it went to grab my dog( my dog is tough but he's only 25lbs) It was shot in front of me as I was screaming on the ground trying to shield my dog and saying I didn't want it to die. I love dogs so much. That whole situation really fucked me up in the head and left literal and metaphorical scars that aren't going away anytime soon. My employer would only pay for 8 counseling sessions if I saw (…

This past summer I was mauled by a dog that had been used for fighting, probably minutes after it escaped its abusers. I had been walking my dog on a leash down our regular route when it came from nowhere and began attacking my dog and I, at some points dragging me by the thigh across concrete as I screamed for help and tried to beat it away everytime it went to grab my dog( my dog is tough but he's only 25lbs) It was shot in front of me as I was screaming on the ground trying to shield my dog and saying I didn't want it to die. I love dogs so much. That whole situation really fucked me up in the head and left literal and metaphorical scars that aren't going away anytime soon.

My employer would only pay for 8 counseling sessions if I saw ( more like spoke as it was all through phone calls)one of their employee counselors ( I work in a major healthcare company) the call was intentionally scheduled during my lunch break so that I wouldn't have to leave the premises or take an unscheduled break during the day in order to attend. I got one phone call where I was told to write a list of goals, told to practice some self-care and was complemented on my work effort in returning so soon after the incident ( I was in shock, I wasn't being productive while at work. I spent half my day blankly staring at the wall in the bathroom) , and that was it. Never got another ” session” even after reaching out.

Just found out that I am allowed 8 free counseling sessions and that phone call counted as 2 ( scheduling the call and then being told bath bombs are great for self-care)


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