
The feeling of home is addicting.

I’ve been thinking about this a lot. Some people just learned how good it feels to stop and be home. Most kids and many adults today start/started “preschool” before they formed memories. They spent summers at “camp”, cutting up the weeks of vacation, and later had a summer job, graduated and went to college, and started working. COVID was the first chance a lot of adults have ever had to just… exist in the homes they work their behinds off to bank roll for any real extended amount of time. People realized they like their homes, and if they don’t, they have the freedom to change it. They realized how annoying commuting it, how harsh fluorescent lighting is, how nice it is to spend more than 3 hours a day with their loves ones. Those human feelings, the chemicals they release in the brain, they are addicting! And people are…

I’ve been thinking about this a lot. Some people just learned how good it feels to stop and be home. Most kids and many adults today start/started “preschool” before they formed memories. They spent summers at “camp”, cutting up the weeks of vacation, and later had a summer job, graduated and went to college, and started working. COVID was the first chance a lot of adults have ever had to just… exist in the homes they work their behinds off to bank roll for any real extended amount of time. People realized they like their homes, and if they don’t, they have the freedom to change it. They realized how annoying commuting it, how harsh fluorescent lighting is, how nice it is to spend more than 3 hours a day with their loves ones. Those human feelings, the chemicals they release in the brain, they are addicting! And people are not giving them up so easily. And that makes me so happy! Everyone is wising up to how pointless so many office spaces are, and how easy the internet makes it to work from anywhere. Stay strong ya’ll! We deserve to enjoy the homes and lives we build!

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