
The first corporations raided other countries for wealth

Capitalism never cared for the majority. Capitalism was built off the idea of pure greed, taking, taking, taking. If you aren’t strong enough to fight back, well now everything you own now belongs to us. When the east India company took over India, they didnt give a fuck about India but they had complete control because they had better weapons. When they ruled the country, they over taxed and sent the country into a long famine, millions died of starvation. Why the hell are we okay with the idea of corporations having so much power in the US? They control our politics. They have most of our money and they are now trying to squeeze as much money from the American people without a car about us. They are greedy. They were built on greed. We have the government to control them but now we don’t since they paid off…

Capitalism never cared for the majority. Capitalism was built off the idea of pure greed, taking, taking, taking. If you aren’t strong enough to fight back, well now everything you own now belongs to us. When the east India company took over India, they didnt give a fuck about India but they had complete control because they had better weapons. When they ruled the country, they over taxed and sent the country into a long famine, millions died of starvation. Why the hell are we okay with the idea of corporations having so much power in the US? They control our politics. They have most of our money and they are now trying to squeeze as much money from the American people without a car about us. They are greedy. They were built on greed. We have the government to control them but now we don’t since they paid off the government. So essentially they control us now. Everything will go to pure shit soon. I’m ready to fight for better treatment. The government needs to change. Everything needs to change. We need to stop prioritizing giving as much money as possible to the top 1% and start giving it to those who actually worked for it.

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