
The future of outpatient healthcare will be virtual.

I work for an outpatient healthcare company. I won't say what they do or who they are since they could potentially find out who I am. They are really worried about the recession apparently despite an increase in patients and revenue. To combat this they are hiring as little as possible and trying to do everything remote. Soon I imagine that an average experience here will go as follows: you will be checked in by a remote receiptionist on an ipad from Bolivia making roughly $3/hr without benefits. Then you will go into a room with maybe some poorly paid and undertrained staff member. If a doctor is required the staff will wheel in an ipad on a stick and they will talk to you from 1000 miles away. It will be cold, impersonal and likely lead to numerous misdiagnoses and poor treatment planning, if you can even afford it.…

I work for an outpatient healthcare company. I won't say what they do or who they are since they could potentially find out who I am. They are really worried about the recession apparently despite an increase in patients and revenue. To combat this they are hiring as little as possible and trying to do everything remote. Soon I imagine that an average experience here will go as follows: you will be checked in by a remote receiptionist on an ipad from Bolivia making roughly $3/hr without benefits. Then you will go into a room with maybe some poorly paid and undertrained staff member. If a doctor is required the staff will wheel in an ipad on a stick and they will talk to you from 1000 miles away. It will be cold, impersonal and likely lead to numerous misdiagnoses and poor treatment planning, if you can even afford it. This is the future and it is coming soon. I wouldn't be surprised if hospital systems start implementing similar things given staff shortages and their absolute refusal to give higher pay and improve working conditions. A century ago, doctors made housecalls and truly cared about their patients, but now there is no feeling or care, it is all about profit.

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